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An efficient and highly chemoselective N-Boc protection of amines, amino acids, and peptides under heterogeneous conditions


A simple and efficient procedure for chemoselective mono-N-Boc protection of various structurally diverse amines, amino acids, and peptides with di-tert-butyl dicarbonate using Amberlyst-15 as catalyst in ethanol is described. The catalyst can be readily separated from the reaction products with simple filtration and recovered for direct reuse. No competitive side-reactions such as formation of isocyanate, urea, oxazolidinone, and N,N-di-Boc derivatives were observed.

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Financial support of this work by the Research Council of Mazandaran University is gratefully acknowledged.

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Jahani, F., Tajbakhsh, M., Khaksar, S. et al. An efficient and highly chemoselective N-Boc protection of amines, amino acids, and peptides under heterogeneous conditions. Monatsh Chem 142, 1035 (2011).

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  • Amberlyst-15
  • Di-tert-butyl dicarbonate
  • Protection
  • Amine
  • Amino acid
BOC Protected Amino Acids